woensdag 17 februari 2010

Metafeeds Blog Started.

I've been working on metafeeds for a little while and its beginning to take a life of it's own now.
See http://www.metafeeds.com

The xtreamer forum is really active, and there are lots of less vocal playon!hd users too.

What is metafeeds.com?

Metafeeds is a community RSS portal for the Playon!HD and other realtek based media players. Right now it's focussed on online video streams and vodcasts, but news- and image-feeds are possible.

I'm at 10% of my appengine cpu quota now: (another 13 hours to go)
I'll blog my progress on using AppStats to optimize CPU
It's my goal to get %usage of CPU below the % of outgoing bandwidth.

I think my problems are these, but i'll measure first and optimize later.
*Fetch reference-property's in 1 batch .
*memcache for all rss feeds.
*error pages for invalid realtek-dvdplayer retry's.

I'd love to serve O!play , mede8er, emtec etc.. users too, but their online commmunities are small. see gettingstarted and try to add these items to your rss feeds.