woensdag 17 februari 2010

Metafeeds Blog Started.

I've been working on metafeeds for a little while and its beginning to take a life of it's own now.
See http://www.metafeeds.com

The xtreamer forum is really active, and there are lots of less vocal playon!hd users too.

What is metafeeds.com?

Metafeeds is a community RSS portal for the Playon!HD and other realtek based media players. Right now it's focussed on online video streams and vodcasts, but news- and image-feeds are possible.

I'm at 10% of my appengine cpu quota now: (another 13 hours to go)
I'll blog my progress on using AppStats to optimize CPU
It's my goal to get %usage of CPU below the % of outgoing bandwidth.

I think my problems are these, but i'll measure first and optimize later.
*Fetch reference-property's in 1 batch .
*memcache for all rss feeds.
*error pages for invalid realtek-dvdplayer retry's.

I'd love to serve O!play , mede8er, emtec etc.. users too, but their online commmunities are small. see gettingstarted and try to add these items to your rss feeds.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Vonck,

    I think you have done a great job setting up this resource...especially now that movies7 in Spain has made a custom firmware that points to youtube and you metafeeds site.

    With radio you have sites like ShoutCast that keep the absolute links valid, and since we can deduce the absolute url for non-commercial purposes using their system that ends in the station ID...we need to find some system like this for rss feeds, because it seems they change often.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  2. To add metafeed radio station links to metafeeds.com from shou t cas t derived and maintained links....thx Tag!

    Don't forget the &rss=1 ending!!

    Here is the complete API for newxml.phtml, for non-commerical purposes.

    Top Level Genre Listing

    returns list of genres

    Station List on Genre

    name = station name
    mt = MIME type, determines the codec used. audio/mpeg for MP3 and audio/aacp for aacPlus
    id = station ID. use this when connecting to http://yp.shoutcast.com/tunein-station.pls?id=12345 to retrieve the playlist containing the station URL
    br = station bitrate
    genre = station genre. This is a "freeform" text. These are used to populate the genre list. Calling the API with ?genre=xyz essential does a like genre like %xyz% database query.
    ct = currently playing track. not gauranteed to be up-to-date because of database caching
    lc = listener count

    Station List on Search

    same results as the genre listings, but search searches station name, current playing track and genre

    To limit results
    add &limit=%d to limit xml entry results where %d is the number of items to return

    Top 500:
    Request genre=Top500

    20 Random Stations

    Request genre=random

    RSS 2.0 version

    append &rss=1 to the url


    To tune into a station, find the id="" attribute in the xml and call

  3. Because the metafeeds.com adds a amp; to the & character I have not been able to use those type of URLs.

    Does anyone know about submitting a username and password to a password protected rss feed.
    I have read this:
    Reading/Writeing password protected RSS feeds

    To add a password protected RSS feed to a portal block you can set the username and pass in the url by doing


    The feed host/site can set a username and password on RSS feeds by useing a .htaccess file and a .htpasswd file in the /backend dir and setting access for the dir or per feed file
